Pressing the restart button

The lock down made many small businesses (like mine) press the pause or slow button indefinitely. It wasn’t optional; it had to be done. Now that we are emerging out of lock down, it’s time for many businesses to reset, re-evaluate, refresh, recover and realign their marketing.

1. Reset

Look at existing Q4 marketing and sales objectives and re-evaluate what is realistic for the remainder of this year and what isn’t.

2. Re-evaluate

Work through planned and active marketing activities and focus on the ones that will have the most impact on achieving key objectives. This may mean developing a new short-term campaign.

3. Refresh

Review communication to market and tweak copy if necessary to be relevant in current environment.

4. Recover

Run and optimise marketing activities to recover and recoup lost revenue.

5. Realign

Adjust 2022 planning, objectives and marketing activities to be in line with what’s changed when you reset, re-evaluated, refreshed and recovered in Q4 2021.

Need help in getting started?